weight loss

Get Back on The Fitness Wagon This Summer - Evertrain 30-Day Kickstart Program

Get Back on The Fitness Wagon This Summer - Evertrain 30-Day Kickstart Program

A few times a year we open our 30-Day Kickstart program to the public. We are starting a popular 30-day fitness challenge for a limited time and for a limited number of clients. This program is a great way for you to get back on track towards creating the foundation needed for those big health and fitness goals of yours.



We don’t know how time has flown so quickly, but it seems like just yesterday that Evertrain opened! Our growth over the last few years has been awesome, and we’ve been lucky to serve the absolute best members ever!

We were looking through the dozens of testimonials we've received here at Evertrain, and we noticed a trend...

The majority of our members have come through a referral from a friend who’s worked with us. 

In fact, our member referrals are the number one factor in why we’ve been able to grow Evertrain so quickly!  Which is great because that means you love what we do!  And we are happy about that since we are here to serve you, our members. ☺

So that got us thinking...why not have an opportunity when all of our clients can bring in their friends to workout with them?

Fall Back into Fitness - Evertrain 30-Day Kickstart Program

Fall Back into Fitness - Evertrain 30-Day Kickstart Program

A few times a year we open our 30-Day Kickstart program to the public. We are starting a popular 30-day fitness challenge for a limited time and for a limited number of clients. This program is a great way for you to get back on track towards creating the foundation needed for those big health and fitness goals of yours.

5 "Fit After 50" Lifestyle Tips - Ottawa

5 "Fit After 50" Lifestyle Tips - Ottawa

The definition of lifestyle is "the way in which a person or group lives". And when it comes to health and fitness it is simply that. How can we make health and fitness part of the way that you live?

Getting lean and fit is one thing. But staying that way is a completely different path. Think about this for a minute and you might begin to understand why. Almost anyone can narrow their focus and dedicate themselves to reaching a goal for a short period of time. But more often than not, they neglect some of the key factors that will allow them to maintain their goals for the rest of their lives.  

Making health and fitness a permanent part of your lifestyle is key to longterm success.

Below we have put together 5 of our best lifestyle tips that we use with our "FitAfter50" clients.