The Evertrain Difference


Our industry is filled with options for people to get healthy and fit. The problem is that most of them are not the right fit for the 50+ person looking to reach specific goals that will also keep their body injury-free. More often than not, you’ll come across a gym that promises great results in little time. Which unfortunately has a high drop out rate due to the fact that your body wasn’t ready for the crushing workout program that was designed to get results at all costs. And if you get hurt it’s somehow your fault… 

On the other end of the spectrum is a program that focuses on rehabilitation, functional movement and pain-free living. This option is great. However, they often get so dialled in on this important area that they lose focus on your other (and sometimes more pressing) goals of losing weight, feeling great and making visible progress in the various other areas of importance to the 50+ person. 

So that leaves us with the elephant in the room. Your left asking yourself, “Can I reach my aesthetic and performance goals all the while healing and building a strong injury-free body?” 

We recognize that you’re a complete person and you need a complete program that delivers both your WANTS and NEEDS. Since 2015, we’ve helped hundreds of people over 50 completely transform their bodies and change the course of their lives. By developing all key areas of healthy living you can have success in both the short and long-term, allowing you to have the highest quality of life possible for years to come.


Going against the grain

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By the time you’re ready to make changes in your health and fitness, you’re probably pretty eager to get from point-A to point-B. That’s why these quick-fix, “get results fast” programs are so enticing. 

Sadly these programs are often risky, missing a long-term plan and their nature doesn’t allow for individualized planning. You’re often left disappointed, discouraged and feeling like a failure. 

But deep down, we all know how important it is to NOT rush things when it comes to our health. 

So what if we did things a bit differently?

What if we could stop the cycle of failed attempt after failed attempt?

What if we went against the grain for once?

What if we took our time to get it right?


Where most 50+ folks misstep

1. “I need to get there NOW”. Going too hard, too fast, too quickly and fizzling out. 

2. Taking an unbalanced approach. i.e. cardio only, calorie restricting only, hard workouts only, etc. 

3. Not committing long enough. Not having a short, medium and long-term plan. Not having a plan past the reaching of your initial goals. 

4. Not having structure, support and accountability (i.e. doing it on their own). Having a minimal system or none whatsoever. In today’s world we need a system to successfully reach the level of health and fitness we are looking for. 

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Where you need to start… 

1.Identify your goals and be specific. Assess yourself and find your starting point (i.e. weight, photos, measurements, movement, injury history, etc.). 

2. Develop a personalized and periodized plan that will focus on the short, medium and long-term. 

3. Take action immediately and collect as many quick-wins as possible, all while keeping your eye on the bigger picture. 

4. Continually re-assess progress and modify your plan as necessary. 


Most 50+ plus folks are completely unsure of what to do and where to start when it comes to reaching their specific health and fitness goals. Either they’ve never had any real success in this area of their life, or they did when they were younger and then all of a sudden things changed (i.e. children, menopause, job, injury, etc.) and now they don’t know what to do at this stage of life. 

What you really need is structure, clarity, a plan that actually works and a guide to see you through it every step of the way. 

The Evertrain Foundational Strategies

for Optimal Health and Fitness

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If you want to see real long-term change in your health and fitness, you’ll need to address these 4 aspects of your life.

  1. Training for your goals. It’s not enough to just be active and exercise. Follow a personalized plan that incorporates the key components of fitness that matter for healthy living after 50. One that involves mobility work, injury prevention, muscle building, strength building and cardiorespiratory fitness.

  2. Nutrition for your goals. Whether you want to lose weight or simply feel better, you cannot overlook the importance of optimizing your nutrition. Learn the skills it takes to ensure your body is intaking what it needs, in the right quantities in a way that you can sustain and feel good about.

  3. Sleep and recovery. This might be the most overlooked aspect to any health and fitness program. Everything in life becomes easier when you address your sleep and are well recovered. Learn how to ensure that your sleep is well taken care of so that you can make the most of your life and feel great doing it.

  4. Mindset and stress management. In order to be successful you must adopt the right mindset. Without this, you will struggle to overcome obstacles, handle stress and will easily fall off track during hard times. Learn to train your mind and get the most out of training your body.

Uncertainty vs. Confidence

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A lot of the issues people over 50 deal with are often symptoms of bigger problems.

Problems like;

  1. Not having the knowledge and experience of how to put a complete plan together, let alone the motivation and accountability to see it through. 

  2. Not having a personalized plan of action that integrates all of the necessary components (i.e. fitness, nutrition, lifestyle, etc.) required for success. Let alone one that was adapted to meet them where they are and that grows with them along the way. 

  3. Not having the support they need to not only reach their short term goals, but to maintain them for life.

At Evertrain, we help you solve those problems. Then you can go from feeling uncertain about what the future holds for your health and fitness, to confident in knowing you are right on track to reaching your goals and becoming the person you want to be. 


No more failed attempts. This time get it right.

With all the right strategies in place and the right coach in your corner to help you every step of the way, you’ll go further towards your goals than you ever have before. You’ll become the master of your own ship and you’ll become the fit and healthy person you’ve always wanted to be.

Learn how the Evertrain Foundational Strategies will take you to your destination.


Foundational Strategy 1. Training for YOUR Goals

When you reach 50, the body has accumulated some mileage. There’s some wear and tear and possibly some serious injuries that get in the way of fast tracking your fitness goals. Vital lean muscle mass has been lost. Your body doesn’t recover like it used to and we don’t have the same levels of endless energy that we had when we were younger. 

Do you attempt to get fit and wind up getting hurt in the process? Or do you try to avoid getting hurt and settle for not getting in to shape and reaching your goals?

It’s kind of depressing to imagine that those might be the only real options at this point.

But maybe there is a third option? Maybe you can train smart. Maybe you can avoid getting injured and steadily move closer and closer to your goals every week.

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If you’re not assessing, you’re guessing. Before moving more, we need to move well first. Significantly reduce your risk of injury by properly assessing your movement.  

Injuries and Limitations

Healthy joints don’t happen randomly. Take a proactive approach to joint health. Heal your injuries and prevent more from happening in the future. 

Personalized Program Designs

Forget about cookie-cutter workouts that leave you bruised and broken. Train using a customized and progressive program that helps you both reach your goals and remain injury-free. 


Cardiovascular Fitness - Increase your life span 

Cardiorespiratory fitness is the “Gold Standard” for predicting how long you’ll live. Learn the ins and outs of how to make cardio work for your weight-loss and fitness goals without developing repetitive-strain injuries and feel good doing it. 

Build Lean Muscle and Increase Bone Density

Muscle loss and bone density are real issues. Fight the muscle and bone loss battle and learn how to use resistance training to build a fit and toned body that avoids injury and looks great too!

Strength Development - Increase your health span

Research shows that the ticket to an improved health span (how long you live injury/disease-free) is through strength training. Safely and effectively get strong and enjoy doing every day activities with ease.


Training Smarter

Learn what it means to train smart. Trade gruelling, long winded and dreadful workouts for effective, efficient and motivating training by using the “minimal effective dose” principle.

Your At-Home Gym

Remove obstacles and boost your exercise consistency by crafting your very own at-home gym on a minimal budget. 

Exercise Technique. 

Get coached and master exercise technique to get the most out of every workout and to prevent the risk of injury. Learn movement and develop skills that will serve you both in the gym and in every day living. 

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Foundational Strategy 2. Nutrition for YOUR Goals

We’ve all heard that nutrition is 80% of the solution towards your goals. Then why is it so hard to get this part figured out? How many quick-fix diets does it take before you finally find something that works AND sticks?! And why so much conflicting information out there and why is it not resulting in me arriving at my goals for health and fitness?

The truth is there is no quick fix. It takes work. But with the right approach you can change what is seemingly so elusive into something that you look back on and say to yourself, “that was easier than I thought it would be.” 

With a combination of habit-based coaching, the right strategies to assist you in the building of habits into your daily life and a coach to help you to synthesize information and put this into practice, you will get there and stay there.


How to Eat

Most people skip this step entirely. But before focusing on what to eat, you need to first learn HOW to eat. If you can ever learn one thing about reaching your ideal weight, it’s this.

“Celebrations” vs. “Cheat Meals”

Shift your thinking about how you reward yourself with food and go from feeling guilty and defeated to feeling guilt-free and empowered.

Advanced Strategies Simplified

Take what the ‘pros’ are doing and use simplified versions that get the results you’re looking for with a fraction of the effort.


What to Eat

When your body is missing nutrient requirements, it functions poorly on many levels. The more you are missing the more this is the case. Give your body what it needs and it will naturally build muscle, burn fat, fill you with energy all day long, put you in a good mood, control your hunger, give you optimal digestion and much more.

Win all the time. 

Strategically pile on win, after win, after win. Focus on the “Big Wins” that take time to achieve while collecting as many “Quick-Wins” as possible to gain momentum, build confidence and accelerate towards your goals. 

Simplify Food Quantities

Stop calorie counting. Stop weighing grams of carbs, fats and proteins. Learn a far more simple and arguably more accurate way of eating that you can do without ever having to count a single calorie. 


Kitchen Transformation

Your eating habits begin in the kitchen. Transform your kitchen to match your healthy lifestyle. Get the right tools, foods and systems in place so that your kitchen works FOR you, not AGAINST you. 

Food Skills: Shopping, Planning and Cooking. 

Acquire the skills you need to have healthy, delicious and nutritious foods readily available to you no matter how busy you are. Learn the tricks of the trade to make the most out of your shopping, planning and cooking. 

Regaining control of your eating. 

Stop letting factors that are not in your control (stress, boredom, emotions) dictate the way you eat. Learn what it takes to finally take back control of your eating.

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Foundational Strategy 3. Sleep and Recovery

Poor sleep and lack of recovery are far too common. It seems to be a common perception that if we’re exhausted all the time and never sleep it’s because we’re driven and hard working. 

The problem is that we’re wearing ourselves out and missing out on not only reaching our health and fitness goals, but our potential to thrive and get so much more out of our lives. 

Discover the steps it takes to get back to a place where sleeping well and feeling recovered is a normal part of your every day life. Then watch your health and results soar.


Pre-Sleep Routine

Good sleep won’t happen by accident. Create and stick to a sleep routine that allows you to wind down after a long day and leaves you waking rested and ready to jump out of bed in the morning.

Best Practices for: Restful Sleep

Getting a restful sleep is influenced by aspects of your life that may not even notice. The quality of your sleep is impacted by what you do right when you wake up in the morning to several days beforehand. Learn the best practices for getting a restful sleep. 


Tools for High Quality Sleep

As you get older high quality sleep is not a guarantee. Find out which tools will help you to get the best quality sleep possible.  


Supplements can maximize your recovery, your health and your results. With endless supplement options out there, which ones are the best to take? Learn which supplements are worth your money and which ones may not be. 

Your Sleep Space

Your sleep environment is just as important as the routine you create. Design a sleep space that will maximize a deep sleep and allow you to minimize or eliminate sleep disruptors. 


Best Practices for: Optimal Recovery

Whether looking to recover from your training or from an injury, it’s important to be proactive to keep yourself well recovered and ready to go as quickly as possible. Learn the best practices for optimal recovery. 

Tools for Optimal Recovery

Get the right tools for your toolbox to optimize recovery and to feel great throughout the week. Optimize recovery so that you can perform at your best whether at the gym or in your daily life.

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Foundational Strategy 4. Mindset and Stress Management

The human mind is a very powerful thing. The way you think and your overall perspective shapes the way you live your life and the outcomes of your behaviours. Most people don’t spend enough time on this aspect of health and fitness. 

Wherever you are currently, you’ll learn how to improve your thinking, manage the impact that stress has on your life and in turn reap the benefits of adopting an empowered position in your life. 


Adopt a Winning Mindset 

Assess and work on your mindset right out the gates. Develop the thinking that winners possess and stop letting your own thought patterns get in the way of your health and fitness success. 

Planning for Success

Develop effective and practical step-by-step game plans to connect the dots between where you are currently and where you want to be.

Measuring Progress

What gets measured gets managed. Assess your progress on a consistent basis and gather this data to make informed choices on how to adapt in order to make constant progress. 


Goal Setting 101

Set the right goals, the right way so that you stay motivated and excited for big changes in the short, medium and longterm. Tackle  this often missed first step correctly to ensure success. 

De-Stress Actively

A lot of us are one bad day away from the straw that breaks the camel’s back. Learn to unload your stress levels on a regular basis to keep your stress in check and to improve your results and wellbeing. 

Best Practices for: Stress Management

Become a stress management pro. Learn the best practices to manage stress by working on thinking and practical strategies to become totally in control of your stress levels. 


Overcome Obstacles

Obstacles are guaranteed to present themselves… From children, to injuries, to your job, to aging parents. Learn how to troubleshoot and navigate any obstacles that life throws your way. 


Learn the keys to being consistent with your health and fitness no matter how life tries to derail you. Be held accountable to your own goals and create routines that are too often a struggle to keep up. 


Learn how Evertrain can help you live with the highest quality of life possible.