6 Park Band Stretches That You Will Love


Today we’ve got a great stretch routine to share with you. As you are probably aware, when you reach the age of 50 and over the need for stretching becomes more and more apparent.

Stretching positively impacts both your lifespan and healthspan. In other words, not only can it help you to live longer by improving your mobility and allowing you to remain active for longer, but your quality of life will be significantly improved by performing regular stretching.

Before watching the video we want to go over a few things first.

Setting up

The first step is setting up your band. In the first section of the video we briefly explain how to anchor the band properly so that you’ll not only be safe, but so you’ll get the best possible stretch as well.

Where you anchor the band is important. It needs to be secured to a structure that you are 100% certain won’t give way. Also, you will need to make sure you secure the band onto your wrist properly when doing stretches where this is needed.

The proper band

We feel the investment on mobility tools is well worth it. But you want to make sure you’re getting the right stuff so that you can get the most out of it.

When it comes to stretching, not all bands are created equally. We recommend a band that is on the thicker side for stretching. The thinner bands used for resistance training won’t do the trick. We recommend the black band on the Rogue Canada website. But you can also pick up an equivalent band at your local fitness equipment store.

6 band stretches you’ll love

If you’ve never tried band stretching you’re missing out on an effective way to get a deep stretch, target the joint capsule and to hit new areas that you may have never stretched before. Many of our clients have a “WOW” look on their face after trying stretches like this for the first time. 😲

We’re big fans of band stretching and that’s why we put this quick video together. A word of caution before trying any exercise or stretch, go slowly and ease in. We’re not looking for a 9 out of 10 stretch. More like a 6-7 out of 10 stretch intensity.

We hope you enjoy these stretches as much as we do.

Happy Stretching! 😀

The Evertrain Team

Join Our New 50+ Virtual Mobility Classes 💻

Most people know they should stretch. They know how important it is as we get older. But they struggle to;

  1. know which stretches to perform

  2. adapt and perform stretches for their needs

  3. consistently perform stretching due to a busy schedule

With our 50+ Virtual Mobility Classes we’ll help you overcome these obstacles.

If you’re not able to do all the activities you love, if a lack of flexibility is getting in the way of your health and fitness results, or you simply are tired of the persistent aches and pains…

Then this class is for you.


These classes will help you to commit the time you need to stretch more regularly and will show you how to get the most out of your stretching and mobility routine.

With these classes you’ll get:

  • Live classes where you’ll be guided step-by-step by one of our 50+ fitness and mobility specialists

  • A curated mix of full body stretching and myo-fascial release exercises with special instruction and tips designed for the 50+ group.

  • Time efficient and twice weekly classes for optimal results.

  • Stretching and Mobility Crash Course so you can make the most of your experience.

  • Options for all levels.

  • Classes are recorded and made available so you never miss a class.

  • Access to videos of specific and more advanced exercises.

  • And more…

The classes are ongoing at the moment and the feedback has been great. Click on the Apply Now button to secure your spot today.