3 Easy Ways to Lose Weight After 50 📉 👍

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Do you find it harder to lose weight as you get older?

Did the things that worked for you in the past, seem to no longer work for you anymore?

Does it feel like your metabolism has slowed to a halt and nothing you do to weight makes a difference?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’re definitely not alone.

It’s always been assumed that our metabolism definitely slows as we get into the later stages of life. And although there was a recent study that showed that we have gotten it wrong in regards to when our metabolism actually slows down, either way the most important factor in weight management is what you do, not your age.

Today we’ve got 3 easy tips for you to starting using right away to make visible changes on the scale.

1. Eat slowly and to 80% full 🦥

If there were ever two habits to learn it’s these 2…

Eat slowly and eat to 80% full. These two habits are so powerful that they come before even deciding WHAT to eat.

Although the weight loss endeavour is more complex than simply ‘calories in and calories out’, it is still a major part of one’s ability to reach their ideal weight.

In fact, even when you’re eating foods that you know will not help you with your weight loss efforts, you STILL need to apply these 2 habits.

You might add that it’s even MORE important in a time like this.

These two habits are not only important, but they’re also very challenging to apply consistently for many.

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Tips for eating slowly:

  • put your utensils down between bites

  • drink between bites

  • cut out distracted eating (TV, newspaper, devices, etc.)

  • set a timer and aim for 20 minutes

  • enjoy a conversation with someone while eating

Tips for eating to 80% full:

  • take the time to notice physical sensations

  • compare your sensations to what you KNOW full to feel like (aim for less than that)

  • aim to feel satisfied, not full (i.e. you could eat more, but are choosing not to)

  • practice makes perfect, you won’t get this right way but with time you can master it

  • use smaller plates

  • never go for seconds

  • eat protein and vegetables first

Eating to 80% full is approximately the level we need to reach our body’s ideal weight over time. Most people eat far more than the 80% full point. When you eat slowly your fullness cues have the chance to kick in. When we eat quickly we bypass these cues and can very easily overeat. By eating quickly you won’t know if you’re eating to 80% full.

This can take time to master, but when you do, you can rest assured that you’ll be well on your way to maintaining your ideal weight both now and in the future.

2. Eat high TEF foods 🔥

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It’s estimated that approximately 10% of our daily calorie burning comes from the thermic effect of of food (TEF).

You can increase your overall calorie burning simply by choosing the right foods.

The concept is fairly simple. Your body has to work to chew, digest and absorb the food we eat. Therefore, your body burns calories to access the nutrients contained in the food we eat. Foods that are harder to digest require more energy to consume.

This concept is called TEF. Foods that are high in protein and fibre have a higher TEF.

Processed foods and simple carbohydrates have very low TEF.

Here are some examples of proteins high in TEF:

  • poultry

  • lean cuts of beef and pork

  • fish

  • seafood

  • eggs

  • nuts and seeds

  • legumes

  • low-fat dairy products (greek yogurt, cottage cheese)

  • plant based proteins (tofu, tempeh)

Not only will eating high TEF foods help you burn more calories, they will also make it easier to eat slowly and reach 80% full. In this way, tips 1 and 2 go hand in hand.

3. Create eating safeguards 🚧 🍩

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Many of us would like to believe that we don’t need special tools or tricks to prevent us from making ‘bad’ food choices.

But the reality is that our physical and emotional states fluctuate all day long.

Stress, hunger, boredom, emotions, social pressure, etc. are all strong factors that weigh on us when making a decision on what or how much to eat.

In the best of times, we might be able to make better decisions for our health. But we can’t depend on will power or that our current state will make it easy on us. Depending on will power amounts to wishful thinking and we’re often left disappointed after the fact.

Instead create safeguards that will stop you from making the decisions you know will go against your weight loss goals.

Here are some examples that have worked for our clients in the past:

  • brushing your teeth right after dinner

  • making a rule to never eat in front of the TV (or computer) or to only eat at the dinner table

  • not purchasing foods you know are weak points for you in the first place (if you buy it, you will eat it)

  • having ‘treat’ foods locked away in a hard to reach area.

  • having one time per week where you can have a reasonable amount of the food/drink you love

  • making your decision to order at a restaurant before going (by looking at the menu online)

  • not making food choices based on ‘hunger’, but instead on the plan you’ve created

These are just some examples, but the possibilities are endless. The important thing is that you find what works for you.

When you decrease the instance and quantity of consuming non-health promoting foods, you can make some big changes (fast) on the scale. Unwanted calories from ‘bad’ food choices add up very quickly without our realization.


At any age, the key to any strategy you use is that you actually do them and do them consistently! These tips work. We use them with our 50-plus clients every day.

If you need help putting strategies like this in place, we’re happy to help. Our team is growing and we’re now taking on more online personal training clients.

To learn more about how we can help you reach your weight loss goals, book a free consultation with an Evertrain Success Coach by clicking on the button below. 👇

To your good health,

The Evertrain Team