🚴‍♀️ Choose the right cardio equipment to help you lose weight and get in shape - The Evertrain Guide to Cardio Options

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Which cardio equipment is the best for losing weight and getting in shape?

One of the most common questions we get from clients is…

What do I do for cardio? 

You might think this should be a simple question to answer. But it’s not that easy.

The uncertainty usually boils down to the following; 

  • They’re not sure what will be effective and what will actually be worth the investment (time and money).

  • They’ve gotten hurt (sometimes seriously) with certain types of cardio and want to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

In effort to make this decision as simple as possible for you, we’ve made a list of cardio options with the pros and cons of each. 

But first there a few things you should know first. 

1. Purposeful exercise activity vs. non-purposeful exercise activity

There is a difference between structured exercise thats fits into a fitness program that is designed to get results and general activity that is simply a part of daily living. 

Both are important for your health and we should be doing them. But often people are not sure of the difference. We’ll briefly explain the difference;

Purposeful exercise activity (i.e. running, cycling, hiking):

  • relatively rigorous intensity

  • training variables are planned in advance (i.e. distance, pace, etc)

  • often seeking to progress in some way (i.e. increase speed, duration, intensity)

  • often involves a sport or exercise equipment (not always)

  • done multiple times per week

  • can contain intervals

  • (most often) causes you to be out of breath, to sweat and will see big increases in heart rate

Non-purposeful exercise activity (i.e. housework, gardening, snow shovelling, etc):

  • low to moderate intensity (can be high)

  • training variables unplanned

  • not aiming for progress in training variables

  • usually some form of upkeep

  • can be very tiring or not at all

  • just a part of daily life

  • although important to stay active, may not illicit significant changes in fitness

Again, both are important to do. But if you are looking to optimize your health and to combat the forces that are working against you, you will need to build a routine of purposeful exercise activity into your week. 

Exercise Hierarchy of Needs

Before making a decision on what cardio options to do, always keep the following list of needs in mind (in order);

Although we should first establish whether or not an exercise option is safe for us, this often gets overlooked.

Although we should first establish whether or not an exercise option is safe for us, this often gets overlooked.

  1. Is it safe for me (will it injure me or exacerbate a pre-existing issue)?

  2. How effective is it towards my goals?

  3. Do I enjoy it?

This is the way it should go, but most of us tend to do the opposite. 

Another important factor.

One more thing you will want to consider is how much you are willing/able to invest? Although we believe that it is a worthwhile investment in your health, everyone has a different budget and desire to spend money. So keep this part in mind when making your decision. 

Our list of cardio options below, although not an exhaustive one, will give you some great insight when deciding on what to do.


You may already have heard this, but it’s important to note that one’s cardiorespiratory fitness is the gold standard for measuring longevity when it comes to fitness. In one study it was also a "more important predictor of death than established risk factors such as smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes".

In other words, your lifespan is greatly impacted by your cardiorespiratory fitness. If that’s the case, we’ll want to make sure we include regular cardio exercise into our weekly routine.

Making the wrong decision on what type of cardio to do could make or break your ability to stay consistent and actually see the results you are looking for.

Before making a decision on which cardio option to build into your routine remember the Exercise Hierarchy of Needs;

  1. Is it safe for me (will it injure me or exacerbate a pre-existing issue)?*

  2. How effective is it towards my goals?

  3. Do I enjoy it?

*If you want more information on the first step in the Exercise Hierarchy of Needs, check out our new free guide on “How to Overcome the #1 Obstacle for People Over 50”. 

Minimal equipment / low-to-no investment

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Equipment / medium-large investment

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When making decisions about your fitness always remember this important fact. The most critical thing you can do to reach your goals is to be consistent. When you’re consistent you can keep progressing towards your goals through all the ups and downs. Slow and steady wins the race, remember? 👍

To your good health,

The Evertrain Team

P.S. Feeling stuck with your fitness? After working with hundreds of 50+ folks we’ve identified the most common obstacles that get in the way. We can help you navigate these bumps in the road so that you can get in shape and have the quality of life you want. Just schedule a call with one of our success coaches today and we’ll show you how.