Best Practice #3 - Train the Big 3, for long lasting results.

Best Practice #3 - Train the Big 3, for long lasting results.

Everyone over 50 should be training these 3 muscle groups. Here’s why.

~6 minute read

The Big 3 💪

Over the years, as the body weakens and posture worsens, the need to fortify the "big 3" becomes greater. To be successful you must centre your training regimen around these key areas.

The upper back, “glutes” and core muscles are incredibly important to train regularly. At Evertrain, all of our clients get a heavy dose of work on these muscle groups at every workout.

In 50+ people, these areas are universally the weakest regions. If they go unaddressed problems ensue.

We also train other areas, but the big 3 always remain top priority. Doing this will significantly fast track results all while reducing your risk of injury. 🚀📈

Best Practice #2 - Mobilize (to remain injury free)

Best Practice #2 - Mobilize (to remain injury free)

You should ALWAYS Mobile before exercising. Here’s Why. 🧐

~4 minute read

When we talking about mobilizing the body, what we mean is to prepare the body for the exercise we’re about to do. Preparing the body means helping it to move WELL. We want to move well first, then move more.

By stretching and rolling our muscles with a ball or foam roller, they will activate (i.e. not dormant) and less tight to allow our joints to move more freely.

This ensures our joints (and the components that make them up) are prepared and ready to undergo various movements and reduces the risk of injuring them during our workout. 🏋️

Best Practice #1 - Train Smart (Avoid Injury) 🧠💪

Best Practice #1 - Train Smart (Avoid Injury) 🧠💪

The first step to achieving your fitness goals is training smart. 🧐

What we mean when we say train smart is to set yourself up for success and train in a way that will prevent injuries from arising.

We can further break this down into 3 main concepts;

  1. Start where you are, not where you left off.

  2. Correct musculoskeletal imbalances.

  3. Do resistance training 3x per week.

The 4 Best Practices to Achieving your Fitness Goals

The 4 Best Practices to Achieving your Fitness Goals

Fitness can be both effective and injury free. 🤯 Here’s how we do it.

~5 minute read

There is a big dilemma for people over 50 when it comes to fitness. 😩

We call it the “injuries vs. fitness conundrum”. It’s the idea that you can’t both be injury-free and fit after the age of 50. Through countless bad experiences, fitness failures and long lists of injuries that plague them, the people over 50 that we’ve spoken with often doubt that you can be both at the same time.

When speaking with 50+ people, we’re often asked questions like these:

  • Can you get fit if you have an ongoing injury?

  • Will trying to get in shape inevitably get you injured?

  • Does taking care of my injuries mean I have to put my fitness goals on hold?

  • Can I achieve both an injury-free body and get fit and lose weight?

We’re big believers that you can address both injuries and fitness at the same time. It does not have to be one or the other. 🥳