training for men over 50

3 Fit People Over 50 Go On An Epic Cross Canada Bike Ride - Leg #2

3 Fit People Over 50 Go On An Epic Cross Canada Bike Ride - Leg #2

Need some inspiration?

Today we want to showcase three very special Evertrain members. These three individuals are a great inspiration to everyone looking to have a high quality of life after the age of 50. They are a prime example of the fact that in order to be healthy, you have to live healthy.

Jeff Hemstreet and husband-wife duo Gordon Frosst and Nicolette Frosst are about to set off on the second leg of their cross-Canada bike ride.

Why We Exist

Why we exist

We wanted to share with you today why we’re so passionate about Evertrain and how it came to be.

When we first began we wanted to help people over 50 get the kind of fitness and nutrition coaching that would address their specific needs and wants and also set them up for long-term, injury-free success. After spending time in community centres and doing bootcamps in parks, we grew to eventually having our own space in the neighbourhood. 

Evertrain's Grand Opening

Thank you for coming to Evertrain’s Grand Opening!

WOW! Monday’s Grand Opening surpassed what we even dreamed about when we decided to start Evertrain. Thank you isn’t enough to express our gratitude for our members, friends, and local businesses who came out to support us! 

5 "Fit After 50" Lifestyle Tips - Ottawa

5 "Fit After 50" Lifestyle Tips - Ottawa

The definition of lifestyle is "the way in which a person or group lives". And when it comes to health and fitness it is simply that. How can we make health and fitness part of the way that you live?

Getting lean and fit is one thing. But staying that way is a completely different path. Think about this for a minute and you might begin to understand why. Almost anyone can narrow their focus and dedicate themselves to reaching a goal for a short period of time. But more often than not, they neglect some of the key factors that will allow them to maintain their goals for the rest of their lives.  

Making health and fitness a permanent part of your lifestyle is key to longterm success.

Below we have put together 5 of our best lifestyle tips that we use with our "FitAfter50" clients.