lifestyle change

5 "Fit After 50" Lifestyle Tips - Ottawa

5 "Fit After 50" Lifestyle Tips - Ottawa

The definition of lifestyle is "the way in which a person or group lives". And when it comes to health and fitness it is simply that. How can we make health and fitness part of the way that you live?

Getting lean and fit is one thing. But staying that way is a completely different path. Think about this for a minute and you might begin to understand why. Almost anyone can narrow their focus and dedicate themselves to reaching a goal for a short period of time. But more often than not, they neglect some of the key factors that will allow them to maintain their goals for the rest of their lives.  

Making health and fitness a permanent part of your lifestyle is key to longterm success.

Below we have put together 5 of our best lifestyle tips that we use with our "FitAfter50" clients. 

5 "Fit After 50" Nutrition Tips - Ottawa

5 "Fit After 50" Nutrition Tips - Ottawa

It is often said that reaching your health and fitness goals is 20% exercise and 80% nutrition. Although we like the point that this popular statement makes, we prefer the approach that both fitness and nutrition need to be taken into account 100% for the best possible results. 

It is safe to say that as we age, our bodies are less forgiving. A less than ideal set of nutritional habits can begin to show through in ways that they didn't when we were in our 20s and 30s. 

Now there is a lot of information out there on nutrition. As you have heard us say many times, master the fundamentals and go from there. Today's 5 "FitAfter50" Nutrition Tips will focus on creating a solid foundation of nutritional habits. Once you have mastered these, start moving towards the finer details.

5 Reasons Why You'll Want to Join Our New Year 30-Day Kick-Start Program. Ottawa Personal Training, Injury Prevention, Fitness & Weight-Loss

5 Reasons Why You'll Want to Join Our New Year 30-Day Kick-Start Program. Ottawa Personal Training, Injury Prevention, Fitness & Weight-Loss

About the 30-Day Kick-Start Program

If you've been following us for a little while, you probably know that we're big on long-term lifestyle change. This is our #1 focus.

And because of this we didn't offer any 30-day/short term programs. We thought that it went against our philosophy. But after receiving feedback from you, we decided to create the 30-day Kick-Start program.

We realized that many of you wanted to try us out, before committing to the bigger picture. They wanted to learn first hand what it was like work with us, make some real and visible progress and learn key fundamentals of weight-loss and how to avoid getting hurt with exercise. 

Today's post will give you an idea of what this amazing program can do for you and why so many people are doing it.

How to Survive the Holidays This Season - Ottawa Fitness and Nutrition for the Holidays

How to Survive the Holidays This Season - Ottawa Fitness and Nutrition for the Holidays

Why You Should Read This Post

We've prepared a Holiday Survival Guide for people over 50 who are tired of letting the holidays dig you into a hole. If you’ve found yourself going through the cycle year-after-year of letting loose over the holidays and feeling like you HAVE to "get back on track" come January 1st, this guide is what you need.

This guide will help you to control the "damage" done over the holidays and have you going into the New Year feeling great about yourself and in a MUCH better place to reach your 2018 goals. 

Here is what this guide will do for you;

  • Significantly minimize holiday weight gain
  • Stop you from losing all of the gains you’ve made before the holidays
  • Get rid of the horrible guilt from letting yourself go
  • Get you to feel great about yourself and feeling more confident about reaching your goals going into January
  • Show you that you don’t need to be ‘perfect’ to stay on track
  • Give you a template to follow every holiday season

Our Holiday Survival Philosophy

It's not about being perfect or trying to rigidly stay on track and follow the 'rules'. Our holiday philosophy is quite simple, but very effective;

  1. Give yourself a mental and physical "break" (in other words, don't be too hard on yourself).

  2. Commit to turning the dial DOWN on fitness and nutrition not OFF.

You'll notice a few key words in the bullet points above and that is what we're going to talk about in today's post.