Do You Need a New Workout Routine to Reach Your Goals? - Ottawa Weight Loss, Strength, Injury Prevention, Health and Fitness Longterm Success

Looking for a new workout routine?

Is a new workout routine the missing link? Is it the one thing that will finally set you up for success?

Have you thought about what you need to reach your goals in both the short and longterm? More often than not, what we think we need and what we actually need don't entirely match up. What do most people need to not only get there but stay there?

This post will explore these questions and give you an answer that we think, might clear up a lot of confusion and hopefully in turn, provide an "aha" moment and set you on a path to success for the longterm.

We get many inquiries from people who are only looking for a routine or program to follow. It seems as though, in their mind this is all they need to finally get to the place they want to be.

As you may already know, we are coaching business. We're coaches first and foremost. 

Don't get us wrong, we provide workout programs that are designed to get you incredible results, all while keeping you injury-free and allowing you to continually make progress for years to come. This is no small feat and it has taken us years of experience and loads of education and travel across North America to be able to provide the kinds of programs that we offer.

But we're coaches, not program designers... For a reason.

When we tell these people about what we do and how we do it, we sometimes get resistance (which is completely normal and okay). They tell us that they don't need the coaching, nutrition and even constant program updates. We often hear that they are very self-motivated (which is most likely true) and that they just need a simple routine to follow. 

If we knew that a simple routine would get you to where you want, we would be giving out workout routines to everyone. If this was all you needed, we wouldn't spend all the extra time and effort on providing the extra support and care that we do.

We pride ourselves in being a complete health, fitness and lifestyle solution that is committed to creating long-term change. You might want to call us "lifestyle change experts".

(FUN FACT: This idea is why we chose the name Evertrain Lifestyles Inc., instead of Evertrain Fitness or Evertrain Personal Training.)

This is because we've seen time and time again, countless people go through the unfortunate cycle of "on-again off-again fitness failure".

If this were us, it would drive us nuts!

Trying something over and over and getting back to the same place we started or sometimes worse would be pretty discouraging. 

If this isn't you, great! We are happy that this is the case. But we're sure you know someone who has dealt with this common issue.

Are you a busy professional over 50 struggling to reign in your diet or even get a simple workout in?

What if I told you that I could point out the 3 things holding you back from your ideal results, but I could also list out the steps you can follow to fix them?

Why long-term success is so elusive. 

It could be said that this concept alone of on-again off-again behaviour, was the driving force for us to start our business. 

We wanted to ensure that people not only reach their goals, but have learned what it takes to actually maintain them for life! (and of course, this takes time and a whole lot more than a workout routine)

This is what we work so hard to provide people with. Seeing our members reach their goals in a healthy, injury-free sustainable way, then reach the point where they know they can maintain them for the rest of their life is what brings us the most joy.

So you may be wondering, do we provide workout routines? 

Yes, we do.

  • We provide what we think are some of the best workout routines for men and women over 50.
  • Routines that constantly evolve to suit your ever-changing fitness level.
  • Routines that are easier when they need to be and are harder when they need to be.
  • Routines that are designed to get you from point A (where you start) to point B (your goals).
  • Routines that prioritize quality before quantity. Not the other way around.
  • Routines that will not only heal injuries and make you stronger, but they'll help you unlock the potential you didn't even know you had.

If it were about just that, we would provide just that. But even the best designed workout routine is incomplete.

In our time in this industry we've learned that; nutrition coaching (not a simple meal plan), lifestyle change (aka habit change), injury prevention/navigation and stress management/recovery are just as important IF NOT MORE IMPORTANT than the actual workout routine itself.

This means that, even with a good workout plan to follow many people;

  • don't change their nutrition habits in a way that helps them reach their goals
  • aren't managing stress well enough
  • are not recovering well enough to train the way they want
  • are not sure how to deal with current or growing injury concerns
  • haven't seriously addressed the appropriate lifestyle changes to reach their goals now and in the long run...

Since most if not all goals include more than just exercise, as you can probably see a workout plan isn't enough to overcome all of these other factors.

“...even the best designed workout routine is incomplete.”

So we want to ask you some questions...

Is a new workout routine going to be the big game changer you need?

Or would you prefer a more complete solution that helps you not only reach your goals, but maintain them for life?

The Big Secret to Health and Fitness Mastery

We're going to let you in on a big secret. One that a lot of people don't necessarily enjoy hearing. Instead most of us would much prefer to find the new fitness trend/diet/piece of equipment that is going to solve our problems. (It's a bit of a comfort zone thing)

But reaching your health and fitness goals for life is about 10% fitness and nutrition...

The other 90% of the equation is... 

...your life.

Your food and your fitness = your life. The way you live your life will dictate your approach to eating and exercise.

  • If you are busy person who rushes around everywhere you go, you will probably rush eating and over eat, eat out a lot, etc. You'll probably rush through exercise or not do it at all.
  • If you are a person who always puts others first, you will probably put others first which leaves little time for your food choices and fitness time.
  • If you're a person who seeks instant gratification, you will probably try fitness or diet fads that promise a lot in little time and will struggle with longterm success.

These are merely a few examples of how your life effects your food and fitness. The point is the way you live your life will mirror your food and your fitness.

People often overlook key factors like;

  • your own identity (how you see yourself, this is a big one)
  • your environment (what's in your kitchen or at your work place)
  • your social circle (how the people you spend the most time with impact you)
  • your stress response (what do you do when life gets stressful?)
  • injury history (how can you heal your body so that you can exercise injury free?)

Addressing factors like these (and others), will allow you to see success in both the short and long-term. 

So let's look at the question in the title of this blog post

Question: Do You Need a New Workout Routine to Reach Your Goals?

Answer: You might. But for most people who are not currently where they want to be with their health and fitness, what they really need is a complete health, fitness and lifestyle solution. 

“...reaching your health and fitness goals for life is about 10% fitness and nutrition...

Addressing some of the bigger picture things in your life might take time. It might take more effort at first. It might get you outside of your comfort zone.

But it will, in the long run, save you time and effort with less failed attempts and allow you to grow more than you probably ever thought you could.

At Evertrain this is what we preach with our members. Fitness and nutrition are only part of the overall equation.

We hope that this blog post helps you to take the leap towards making the big changes you need to make to not only reach your goals, but maintain them for life!

Don't know where to start?

Contact us today for a no obligation phone call. If you'd simply like get more information about our programs (including our upcoming FitAfter50 Kickstart Program) and how we can help you or you simply want to ask a few questions on how you can get started on your own, let us know. Call us at 613-295-8080 or email at

Yours in health,

The Evertrain Team

The deadline to enroll is September 15th, 2017. Learn more by clicking on the photo above. 

The deadline to enroll is September 15th, 2017. Learn more by clicking on the photo above